PREP Fun, Friendship & Commitment
Feb 10 2021, 11 am - 1 pm
Feb 10 2021, 11 am - 1 pm
Fun & Friendship
Teaches participants how important fun is, the individual’s, as well as the couples Well-Being. Helps participants understand how Fun helps experience positive emotions, sharpens their thinking and makes solving problems easier.
Gives Participants a clearer picture of what commitment is and how it works to cultivate a deeper sense of commitment in their relationships and find meaningful ways to express their commitments to their mates.
This course is part of a four course series that will introduce you to the core components of the Prevention and Relationship Education Program (PREP).
This class will be taught via videoconference using the Zoom platform.
To attend this class virtually, you will log onto your ZOOM APP (available free to download) or without the APP you can log onto and click "Join A Meeting" in the top bar.
This will work on your computer, tablet or phone. You will need speakers or sound. A camera and microphone will improve class participation, but are not required in order to view or participate.
Once you register for this class, you will receive an email from us that includes the meeting ID and password.
Thank you and we're looking forward to this virtual world of training!